
Why was Project HoPe Started?

The bond between homeless people and their pets is especially important, providing crucial mental and emotional support. Project HoPe aims to strengthen this bond by alleviating the financial burden of caring for a pet, allowing homeless individuals to prioritize their funds on other essential needs like housing, food, and clothing. 

Dr Sam Kovac founded Project HoPe after witnessing firsthand the challenges faced by homeless people in providing veterinary care for their pets. He once encountered a blue heeler dog that required immediate treatment, but the owner was denied services due to financial constraints. This experience inspired Kovac to create a project that would offer free medical and surgical care to homeless people's animals. 

The bond between homeless individuals and their companion animals is often the only thing keeping them going. These pets provide a source of love, comfort, and companionship that can be invaluable in difficult circumstances. By supporting the well-being of these pets, Project HoPe is also indirectly supporting the well-being of the homeless people who rely on them.